The last couple of weeks have been marked with excitement and uncertainty. Spenser, Alex, and I have been anticipating playing a great show at The Pinch with our friends Ezra Mae and the Gypsy-Moon and finally received our first 7″ pressing for our song Awfully Pretty. At the same time details regarding Spenser’s health and possible treatment at John Hopkins slowly unfolded. We did all we could do, forged ahead and focused on our passion for music, securing a great space in Baltimore to record our full length album.
Friday we started to set up for recording in Baltimore and the show that night at The Pinch was a blast! It was truly a great line up of bands from Ezra Mae and the Gypsy-Moon to The Mad Extras and EastWestHwy. It was also great to have Avi from the band Typos running sound.
Alex and I did our best to send dark waves of music through out the venue without our partner in crime Spenser but are hopeful he will be back in action for our next show at the Velvet Lounge in August. In the meantime, we are more determined than ever to push our sound and songs to the what seems to be unbounded possibilities.